Convert world currencies with official rates from various central banks.
This currency exchange app offers official rates and stores them then so you can use it even in offline mode.
- Very easy to use. All you need on a single page.
- Official currency rates.
- Simultaneously monitor all available currencies.
- Performs instant and precise calculations with precision up to 5 decimals.
- Personalize your settings, set conversion precision and frequency for rate updates.
- Select your favorite currencies and bank.
- Use it offline for all the banks and convert without internet access.
- It can be installed on SD.
Available in multiple languages.
Please send your feedback, requests and suggestions to <a href=""></a>
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">转换世界货币与来自各国央行官方利率。
- 非常容易使用。您只需要在一个页面上。
- 官方汇率。
- 同时监控所有可用的货币。
- 执行与精度可达5小数即时和精确的计算。
- 个性化您的设置,设置转换精度和频率速度更新。
- 选择你最喜欢的货币和银行。
- 离线使用它所有的银行,没有互联网连接进行转换。
- 它可以安装在SD。
请将您的意见,要求和建议,以<a href=""></a>
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